Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Fast Draw Automatically Unlocking, Loading and Cocking Handgun Holster

I found a handgun holster online called "Phalanx Auto Load Holster" this holster retracts the slide of the handgun and inserts an action locking lug and blocks the trigger. When the user draws the handgun it automatically unlocks, loads and cocks the handgun. drawing the handgun in this holster, the holster automatically unlocks, loads and cocks,......let's think about that......would the action taking place make a sound? I'm pretty sure just about any handgun, makes somekind of a sound when automatically unlocking, loading and cocking!

In any tactical situation or environment, basically meaning "silence"; The user of the holster must already be ready for action by having the handgun fully loaded before the situation becomes tactical and yet be 100% safe from self injury or misfiring when drawing of a handgun takes place. A holster must be able to be fast enough for the user to draw the handgun in a way to prevent self injury and to securely lock the handgun to prevent unauthorized access.

True Zero USA main focus is to provide all handgun users to draw the handgun faster then any handgun holster in the world today and to tactically lock the handgun to the holster in a way to where only the user is aware of its location and out of the view and reach of the assailant.

To visit True Zero USA go to for the latest new on their handgun holster, hopefully they can close the huge gap on fast drawing self locking handun holsters.

Rank: 20 Due to the noise.

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